Dr. L. Adam Mekler 
English 202: 01
Spring 2024
Office:  Holmes Hall 228
Office Phone: (443) 885-4032
Email@Morgan: adam.mekler@morgan.edu

Any revisions to this syllabus will be posted on our Canvas class page. Please check the class page regularly for any announcements, especially if you have missed class.

Course Requirements

Required Text: Greenblatt, et. al., eds. Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Major Authors. 10th Ed. NY: Norton, 2019. Vol. 2.

American with Disabilities Act:
Policy on Student Grievances:
Purpose of the Course:

This course focuses on British literature from the late eighteenth century until the twenty-first century. During this time, there have been significant changes in the philosophical, political, and religious views of British subjects, both within the United Kingdom and in its colonies abroad. For that reason, we will examine a number of important historical events over the course of the semester in order to appreciate one motivating factor behind the texts of the period. Of course, the primary focus will remain the literature itself, which we will discuss in great detail, incorporating consideration not only of historical context, but also biographical and intellectual factors as well.  Unfortunately, given the constraints of the class, we will be unable to examine all of the readings in the collection.  What we will hopefully be able to do is consider the thoughts of a fairly wide range of different writers to get a good understanding of the types of thought and literature produced during the period .

Students are expected to attend every class. If you are forced to miss class, written verification for the reason for your absence is expected. Excessive class absences will result in the loss of points from the final average. Excessive lates may also lower your grade. The complete attendance policy can be found on the class homepage .  Please come speak with me if you have any questions.

All assigned readings must be completed before coming to class and must be brought to class for reference during class discussion.  On-line versions are available for most readings, and these may be accessed in class on a laptop or tablet, but not on a phone.  Please come speak with me if you have any questions. You are expected to arrive prepared to provide thoughtful discussions of  the daily readings, responding to questions from the instructor or your classmates as they arise. Quizzes on the readings will occur regularly throughout the semester. Students may use their notes, but not the text(s), for the quizzes. Students who type their notes but do not have access to a printer may email their notes to be before class to print out in case they are needed. Classroom discussion will involve the open sharing of ideas and interpretations of the literature.  Because every person's opinion is valid, we will demonstrate civility and respect for each other, taking turns to provide our observations and not interrupting each other.  Only raised hands will be acknowledged.

There will be one (1) brief (800 word minimum) critical response paper,  in addition to one (1) documented research paper (2000 word minimum), using a minimum of six documented secondary sources. You will also take part in a presentation of a minimum thirty minutes to be given during the second part of the course.   There will also be a midterm and a final examination.

All papers will follow MLA format: Typed, double-spaced, use parenthetical citations and when necessary, a list of works cited, including references made to the textbook. (See sample MLA Paper )  The main point of the response papers is to allow you the opportunity to explore specific aspects of texts that you find interesting in terms of the major themes and issues we discuss, but the specific focus is largely up to you.


10 %
A: 90-100

Class Participation 10 % B: 80-89

Critical Response Paper  10 % C: 70-79

Group Presentation  10 % D: 60-69

Midterm Exam 20 % F: 0-59

Research Paper  20 %

Final Exam 20 %

Reading List (Subject to Subtle Revision):
Jan 17 Course Introduction

The Romantic Period: 3-30
[8th ed.: 1-25]

Blake, 44-47
"The Lamb," 50-51
"The Tyger," 58
"London," 60
[8th ed.: 76-79, 83-84, 92-93, 94]

W. Wordsworth, 124-26
"We are Seven," 127-28
Preface to Lyrical Ballads, 135-48
[8th ed.: 243-45, 248-49, 262-74]

W. Wordsworth, "Tintern Abbey," 131-35
[8th ed.: 258-62]

W. Wordsworth, "Intimations Ode," 179-85
[8th ed.: 306-12]

Coleridge, 251-54
"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," 258-74
[8th ed.: 424-26, 430-46]
Feb 2
"Kubla Khan," 274-76
"Christabel," 277-92
[8th ed.: 446-48, 449-64]

Coleridge, concl.
(Brief Discussion of Critical Response Paper)

Byron, 336-40
Manfred, Acts One and Two, 351-74
[8th ed.: 657-11, 635-58]

Manfred, Act Three, 374-85
[8th ed.: 658-69]

P. Shelley, 385-88
"from A Defence of Poetry," 440-52
[8th ed.: 741-44, 837-50]

P. Shelley, "England in 1819," 396
"Ode to the West Wind," 396-98
[8th ed.: 771, 772-75]

Keats, 475-78
"Ode to a Nightingale," 501-3
"Ode on a Grecian Urn," 503-5
[8th ed.:  878-80, 903-5, 905-6]

M. Shelley, 955-58
"The Mortal Immortal," 961-70
[8th ed. only]
Critical Response Paper Due

The Victorian Age: 527-53
[8th ed.:  979-1001]

** Wellness Day: No Class **

E. B. Browning, 575-77
"from Sonnets from the Portuguese," 581-82
[8th ed.: 1077-79, 1084-85]

E.B. Browning, "Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point," 582-89
[8th ed.: 1085-92]
March 1
Tennyson, 604-7
"Lady of Shalott," 609-14
"The Charge of the Light Brigade," 678-79
[8th ed.: 1109-12, 1114-18, 1188-89]

Mid-Term Examination
Last Day to Make Up Quizzes or Submit Assignments or Excuses for Absences/Lates for 1st Part of Class

R. Browning, 767-70
"Porphyria's Lover," 770-71
"Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister," 772-74
"My Last Duchess," 774-75
[8th ed.: 1248-52, 1252-53, 1253-55]
Research Paper Topics Due

Arnold, 809-14
"from The Function of Criticism," 829-44
[8th ed.:  1350-54, 1384-97]

Research Paper Discussion
Read the Sample Paper

Arnold, "from Culture and Anarchy," Ch.1, 844-45
"Dover Beach," 823-24
[8th ed.: 1398-99, 1368-69]

C. Rossetti, 857-58
"Uphill," 861-62
"Goblin Market,"  862-74
[8th ed.: 1459-60, 1465, 1466-70]

18-22 ** Spring Break: No Class **

Stevenson, 886-87
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 887-907
[8th ed.: 1643-44, 1645-63]

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 907-30
[8th ed.: 1663-85]

Wilde, 930-32
The Importance of Being Earnest, Act One, 941-57
[8th ed.: 1686-87, 1698-1713]
April 1
The Importance of Being Earnest, Acts Two and Three, 957-85
[8th ed.: 1713-40]

Kipling, 985-87
"The Man Who Would Be King," 987-1011
"White Man's Burden," 1011-13
[8th ed.: 1793-94, 1794-1818, 1821-22]

Kipling, cont.

The Twentieth (and Twenty-First Centuries): 1015-45
[8th ed.:  1827-50]
Deadline for Submission of Research Paper Topics
If your topic has not been approved, you can not submit a paper.

Housman, 1948
"Loveliest of Trees," 1948-49
"When I Was One-and-Twenty," 1949
"To an Athlete Dying Young," 1949-50
[8th ed. only]

Conrad, 1056-58
Heart of Darkness, Part 1: 1058-82
[8th ed.: 1885-87, 1890-1912]

Heart of Darkness, Parts 2 & 3: 1082-1117
[8th ed.: 1912-47]

Woolf, 1165-66
"from A Room of One's Own":
Ch. 1, 1177-89
Ch. 3, 1198-1207
[8th ed.: 2080-82, 2092-2104, 2113-22]

Joyce, 1241-44
"Araby,"  1244-48
[8th ed.: 2163-68, 2168-72, 2243-45]

Lawrence, 1286-87
"The Horse-Dealer's Daughter," 1301-12
[8th ed.:  2243-45, 2258-69]

Eliot, 1319-22
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," 1322-25
[8th ed.: 2286-89, 2289-93]
Final Exam for Graduating Seniors

Thomas, 1446
"The Force that Through the Green Fuse," 1446-47
"Fern Hill," 1449-50
"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night," 1450
[8th ed.: 2444-45, 2445-46, 2448-50, 2450]

McKay, 2463
"Old England," 2463-64
"If We Must Die," 2464
Research Paper Due  (**GRADUATING SENIORS**)
May 1
Walcott, 1462-63
"A Far Cry from Africa," 1463-64
from "The Schooner Flight," 1464-65
"The Season of Phantasmal Peace" 1465-66.
[8th ed." 2586-87, 2587-88, 2588-89, 2589-90]

Adichie, 1576-77
"Checking Out," 1577-89
Last Day to Make Up Quizzes or Submit Assignments or Excuses for Absences/Lates for 2nd Part of Class or to take the Final Exam (**GRADUATING SENIORS**)

Research Paper Due

Final Exam Review
Last Day to Make Up Quizzes or Submit Assignments or Excuses for Absences/Lates for 2nd Part of Class

Final Exam (Subject to Change)
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