English 202
Group Presentations

As I stated in class, the group presentations will involve your explanation of the major points of the text(s) for the day, including relevant historical and biographical information.  Essentially, you are teaching the class what is most important about the work:  major themes, creative use of literary techniques, historical or biographical parallels, etc.

In terms of grades, each member of the group will evaluate her/himself and the others, based on a percentage of effort put in.  This is a team effort, so it will require everyone to participate, not only in performing his or her individual tasks, but also in combining all the individuals parts into a coherent unit.  The presentation will be graded by the instructor as a whole, not according to each section.  After your presentation, each member will hand in his or her grading sheet.  I will make every effort to maintain a "secret ballot" environment.  I will average the different grades together and return each member's sheet, listing the group grade and the individual grade for that student. 

Text Name Date
R. Browning

March 12




Matthew Arnold, "from Culture and Anarchy"
March 14




Arnold, "Dover Beach"
March 26



Christina Rossetti

March 28



Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, pt. 1

March 31




April 9




Virginia Woolf
April 21



James Joyce
April 23




T. S. Eliot
April 25




Claude McKay 
April 28




Dylan Thomas
April 30




Salman Rushdie

May 5




Chimamanda Adichie

May 7




If you really want to discuss a text that is not listed here, please speak with me.