Dr. L. Adam Mekler 
Humanities 201: 01
January 2022
Office:  Holmes 228
Office Phone: (443) 885-4032
Email@Morgan: adam.mekler@morgan.edu

** Any revisions to this syllabus will be posted on Canvas. **

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Students must visit Canvas regularly and be sure to check their account settings to allow emails and announcements to be received from Canvas.
Students are also responsible for all information posted on Canvas, including, but not limited to, the participation policy and the plagiarism policy.

Go To Assignments For:

Week One Week Two Week Three

Required Texts:

Required Technology:
Computer with microphone and camera

Course Requirements: 
Students are required to attend every class (See Policy ) and to have complete all necessary readings before class begins.

In addition to assigned readings and homework questions, which must be completed before coming to class, there will be one (1) documented research paper  (2000 word minimum) that uses a minimum of six documented secondary sources.  You will also take part in a group presentation of a minimum thirty minutes to be given during the second part of the course.  There will also be a mid-term and a final examination. 

All papers will follow MLA format: Typed, double-spaced, using parenthetical citations and a list of works cited, including references made to the textbook. (See sample MLA Paper )  The main point of the papers is to allow you the opportunity to explore specific aspects of texts that you find interesting in terms of the literary terms we discuss:  metaphor, imagery, symbolism, setting, theme, etc..  Basically, you will be exploring the ways in which use of such devices helps to develop the important themes of the works, etc., but the specific focus is largely up to you.

Extra Credit:

Homework Q's (in addition to the Required Q's described above)
  • Each day, you may submit written responses to all or ten (10) other discussion questions (whichever is fewer) for the text assigned for that day only.
  • Every two (2) sets of questions will give you one (1) bonus homework credit, up to a possible total of five (5) points to be added to your homework grade.
  • There is no half-credit:  fewer than 10 questions will receive no credit.
  • Students may also develop a museum paper based on the guidelines described here.
  • Successful completion of this assignment will result in the addition of up to five (5) points to the final average.

  • Grading:
    Class Participation 10% A: 90-100
    B: 80-89
    Group Presentation  10% C: 70-79
    Research Paper  20% D: 60-69
    Mid-Term Exam 25% F: 0-59
    Final Exam 25%

    Reading List (Subject to Subtle Revision):
    Course Introduction
    Literary Terms (See List )
    Reading Poetry 
    Sample Poem 
    Grammar Review Exercise
    Discussion of Grammar Review Exercise
    Research Paper Discussion

    Gilgamesh Background
    Gilgamesh, Chs. 1-3: , pp. 1-18
    Gilgamesh, Chs. 4-7: , pp. 18-33
    Homework Questions Due on Canvas

    African Tales & Myths
    Research Paper Discussion
    Research Paper Topics Due on Canvas
    Last Day to Drop Classes without a Grade of "W"
    African Narrative, 97-99
    Sundiata, pp. 101-20 and notes, 143-46
    Sundiata, 121-43 and notes, 146-48
    Homework Questions Due on Canvas

    Greek Background
    Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses
    Bulfinch's Mythology (Ch. 16)
    Oedipus Rex
    Homework Questions Due on Canvas
    Grammar Review Exercise Due on Canvas
    Discussion of In-Class Essay/Midterm Review

    Midterm Examination (See review )
    Last Day to Drop Classes with a Grade of "W"

    Research Paper Workshop

    Bhagavad-Gita Background
    Preface & Introduction, iv-vii,  
    Bhagavad-Gita, 1-12
    Bhagavad-Gita, 13-28
    Group Presentation
    Homework Questions Due on Canvas
    Chaucer, Background
    Canterbury Tales: General Prologue
    Group Presentation
    "Wife of Bath's Tale"
    Group Presentation
    Homework Questions Due on Canvas

    19 Europe and the "New World" Background , pp. 1902-4
    Letters of Columbus, pp. 1921-25
    Group Presentation
    Letters of Cortes, pp. 1926-36
    Group Presentation
    Homework Questions Due on Canvas

    Pratt, "Arts of the Contact Zone"
    Florentine Codex pp. 1936-42
    Group Presentation
    Popol Vuh ,  "Background" and pts. 1-3, pp. 1-11 and notes
    Popol Vuh, pt. 2, pp. 12-16 and notes
    Group Presentation
    Homework Questions Due on Canvas
    Last Day to Submit any homework or excuses for absences/lates for the course

    Final Exam
    Research Paper Due on Canvas
    Psalm 23

    A Psalm of David.

    The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    He maketh me to lie down in green pastures;
    He leadeth me beside still waters.
    He restoreth my soul:
    He guideth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil; for thou art with me;
    Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
    Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
    Thou hast anointed my head with oil;
    My cup runneth over.
    Surely goodness and lovingkindness shall follow me all the days of my life;
    And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

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