Library Assignment
(Steps One and Two of the Research Paper Project)
Part One:
** This must be submitted through Canvas. **
Pick one of the topics listed on our Research Paper Topics
Page or
one of your own invention, as long as your primary focus is on
one of the texts discussed this semester.
This will be your topic not only for this assignment, but for
the final research paper as well.
- You will not be able to submit a final research paper if
you have not first successfully completed (i.e received a
passing grade on) this assignment.
- If you change your research paper topic, you must submit a
new library assignment for the new topic.
- Go to the Richardson Library website & look up
sources (books, journals, microfilm/fiche) on that subject.
- Be sure to examine the USMAI catalog as well as the MLA
Bibliography database.
- Obtain (i.e. get in your physical possession) twenty (20) secondary
sources, including at least five (5) books, five
(5) journal articles, and five (5) on-line articles. If
you can not obtain twenty secondary sources, you will
need to pick another topic.
- Essays found in our textbook (the Norton edition of Frankenstein)
may be used for this part.
- Compile a typed list of Works Cited for these sources,
using proper MLA Format. (see sample )
- Please include at the top of the page what your
research topic is.
- Submit scanned copies of ten (10) of the works. The scan
should include the title page of the text and the page
containing the thesis statement, which needs to be
Part Two:
Library Paper (500 word minimum)
** This must be submitted through Canvas. **
Pick one of the secondary sources from the list you compiled
in Part One.
- For this part, you may not use one of the sources
assigned from our textbook (e.g. Brantlinger, Mellor, Moers,
- Read through the source, whether in its entirety
(article) or its introduction (book-length piece).
- Compose a 500-word discussion of the main argument of the
work, including a summary of the main points and an
explanation of which critical perspective(s) (feminist,
psychoanalytic, etc.) is/are utilized in the discussion.
- Incorporate at least two (2) quotes from the work and
explain how they demonstrate the perspective(s) you have
identified, using proper MLA format and providing accurate
parenthetical citation.
- Make sure to include a Works Cited entry for the source in
proper MLA format.
- See sample